Dinosaur follows Nina (Ashley Storrie), an autistic woman in her 30s, who adores her life living with her sister and best friend Evie. However, when Evie rushes into an engagement after only six weeks and makes Nina her maid of honour, Nina is floored. Forced to reconcile with her sister’s impulsive decision, Nina grapples with what this new challenge means Nina’s relationship with her sister isn’t the only change that she’s navigating, as she explores new possibilities in her palaeontology career and a potential new relationship in her own life with the introduction of kind-hearted Lee, who helps Nina to see these new challenges in a more positive light. As their relationship blossoms, we see that Nina helps Lee just as much as he helps her.
《恐龙(英剧)》在2024 年发行,草民影院www.ddcmw.com收集了《恐龙(英剧)》pc网页端在线观看、手机wap免费观看、高清云播放等资源。
来自宇文谱欧评价;噢 ,不过这个电影多了一点点暴露场景
来自Fairfax评价;影片前面一大半都浪费在学戏的过程上 过多地炫耀演技 更像一本演技教科书 对普通观众而言 未免显得凌乱而沉闷 一部电影,仅后面小半截还可以凑合着看看 实在算不上精彩 再别提与《喜剧之王》一争高下了 想撑起一部电影 光靠演技还远远不够 所以 詹瑞文同志至少在拍电影的技法上 还需要虚心向周星驰请教 来自羊舌馅亩卫评价;与其邪不压正,不如快意恩仇 ,这个点其实挺好的 ,但太不扎实也不行,荒诞不是荒疏 来自南宫然脑评价;好看!刘师傅跳disco笑死我了!小红姐好出彩啊!麦德罗跳舞,刘家辉三德和尚上身,小侯耍疯猴,最后刘家辉VS孙建,刘家良VS王龙威,都好精彩!龙天翔 也好帅!一直都觉得他好帅~~~ 来自Luciana评价;第一个已经有点雷到我,没想到看完发觉相比之下第一个是最好的……《 前夜》>《回归》>《北京你好》>《护航》,剩下三 个实在分不出个高低了Copyright © 2008-2018