

类型:未知美国 2008 

主演:Erik Thompson Arlo Hemphill Jason B 

导演:Jonathan B. Taylor 




  Over sixty years after the end of World War II, recently declassified documents and contemporary experiments offer insight into a multitude of attempts at assassinating one of the most feared and despised dictators of the 20th Century. As the Nazi war machine spread terror and death across Europe, there were at least forty-two documented plots to kill Adolf Hitler and bring his regime crumbling to the ground. But who were the men that offered to lay their own lives on the line for the sake of killing one of history's most despised tyrants, and just how did they plan on accomplishing such a formidable feat? In this documentary, the filmmakers at National Geographic offer detailed insight into the forty-two assassination plots that may have altered the course of history had they actually succeeded. ~ Jason Buchanan, All Movie Guid  从最近的一堆已解密的绝密档案中,发现有多达42次试图刺杀德国独裁者-希特勒的行为,最著名的莫过于1944年7月20日的施陶芬伯格事件,当然最终还是成功的几乎没有。了跟随这个节目,让我们来了解了解当年的历史始末吧。

《国家地理:42次刺杀希特勒》在2008 年发行,草民影院www.ddcmw.com收集了《国家地理:42次刺杀希特勒》pc网页端在线观看、手机wap免费观看、高清云播放等资源。


来自贯丘涤共醋壤评价;这并不突出人物形象,只是其中的思辨性,很好地表现出侯麦电影朴实 却富有哲思的另一番情趣

来自子桑醒蔽县评价;忠肝义胆的主题还是有的,这也 是这部电影最大的亮点,英雄迟暮,为了家人重出江湖,还有一 群好兄弟,挺好的题材,只是这故事就 真的不好说了

来自公孙酝鸭雷怨评价;好像我也在慢慢变老的过程中,少了生命 中很重要的人

来自公良谴厥评价;这当然不是一部宣言女权的电影,因为米歇尔扮演的女主角在剧情上是出于对丈夫的信任而坚持“守护”了 印第安人,一个不能更“反女权”的构建

来自亓官偈谔地己评价;法版那种丧的气质,符合人们对励志电影的印象,因为只有绝境才能重生,更何况法版还时 不时来点冷幽默


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