Based on the popular Imperium Comics series, Trailer Park of Terror. Six troubled high school students and their chaperon, an optimistic youth ministries Pastor, return from an outdoor character building retreat in the mountains. During a raging storm, their bus crashes, hopelessly stranding them in the middle of the Trucker's Triangle, a forgotten locus of consummate evil in the middle of nowhere. The hapless group seeks shelter for the night in a seemingly abandoned trailer park they find down the road. However, when the sun sets, it's not refuge they find. Instead, terror finds them in the form of Norma, a damned redneck reaper with a killer body who dispenses vengeance and death aided by her cursed companions, a bloodthirsty brood of Undead trailer trash. Written by Anonymou
《恐怖流浪公园》在2008 年发行,草民影院www.ddcmw.com收集了《恐怖流浪公园》pc网页端在线观看、手机wap免费观看、高清云播放等资源。
来自宗政慰泳镀评价;整体故事跌宕起伏并不大,不煽情不造作,当中最关键的一些转折点都处理得过 于仓促和浅显,结尾的强行升华有些勉强,总体上算是部四平八稳的传记片
来自长孙慕磕鸵舱评价;爸爸是9th妈妈像13th,Villain又是老炸,小女孩好幸福(?)以及盯着墙上肖像被涂鸦 那个场景狂笑好几分钟,全程听不太懂炸在说什么的憋闷之情顿时一扫而空(?) 来自公仲窃顿碧评价;两女主都不好看 混血那个尤其难看 然而剧情更不好看 来自段干倨锨窘评价;少一颗?是因为细节不足,那种生活质感在这 座房子里打了折扣来自子桑透叹字评价;本来昨天可以早点睡,结果睡前无意中翻到这部电影,讲两个麻麻爱上了对方儿子的忘年恋Copyright © 2008-2018