In 2010 David Crowley, an Iraq veteran, aspiring filmmaker and charismatic up-and-coming voice in fringe politics, began production on his film 'Gray State.' Set in a dystopian near-future where civil liberties are trampled by an unrestrained federal government, the film's crowd funded trailer was enthusiastically received by the burgeoning online community of libertarians, Tea Party activists as well as members of the nascent alt-right. In January of 2015, Crowley was found dead with his family in their suburban Minnesota home. Their shocking deaths quickly become a cause célèbre for conspiracy theorists who speculate that Crowley was assassinated by a shadowy government concerned about a film and filmmaker that was getting too close to the truth about their aims
《灰色国度》在2017 年发行,草民影院www.ddcmw.com收集了《灰色国度》pc网页端在线观看、手机wap免费观看、高清云播放等资源。
来自Helen评价;看得出 来导演是想要编写一个反转的故事,然而似乎从一开头他已经不 自主的再向我们暗示凶手是谁,所以最后的转折也充满了必然性,缺少了意外感
来自Damon评价;一坨华 丽的屎,别问我为什么会看这 片,我不知道:) 来自羊舌杀退偈评价;然而,生活总是这样,一开始爱的,也许就不 爱了,不爱的那个,也许又爱上了 来自公祖窒猩评价;大致情节和天书奇谭相似,居然还有九色鹿的事,好怀念的童年啊,编的算不错了,中间也没有太尴尬的情节,男女主都演的不错,尤其最后演的 还蛮有泪点的。 来自Commander评价; 女老师对霸凌熟视无睹;妙子一众人惨无人道地放火烧死野咲一家人;唯一同班深爱着野咲的男生相场心理变态;家长们对孩子教育的缺失与错位,以及野咲复仇反杀的决绝和血腥Copyright © 2008-2018