Alan Yentob travels to the ghetto in Venice with award-winning novelist Howard Jacobson as he embarks on a retelling of Shakespeare's most performed play, The Merchant of Venice. Through a series of lively - often fiery - interviews, they examine the charge of anti-Semitism against Shakespeare, whose character Shylock remains one of the most odious and divisive fictional Jews in history How did the moneylender from Venice become such a useful propaganda tool in Nazi Germany? And how much of a liberty will Jacobson be taking when he uproots the action to modern-day Alderley Edge, and audaciously reinterprets the infamous 'pound of flesh'? Interviewees include Antony Sher, Anthony Julius and Stephen Greenblatt.
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来自Jillian评价;许久之前看过,今天看到有影评推介,就 记录一下
来自公羊坪涂怀评价;最后,Pasino居高临下带着骄傲的微笑,用他那特有的沙哑嗓音说出箴言:“虚荣,是我最喜欢的原罪”,然后意味深长地孑孑怪笑过后,真的让人回味无穷 来自东方甲四赫评价;7.5人体异化,性欲和寄生虫,本片最关键解释寄生虫原理的段落由两位医生在电话上的对话镜头与医生火辣女朋友换衣服的镜头交叉剪辑而成,既有明显的暗示 效果同时也令观众难以专注于这段重要对话,柯南伯格的恶趣味在 他第一部正式的长片中就可见一斑,另外或许年代使然,导演对未成年演员的使用十分大胆 来自公户叶涂评价;外国男人的爱妻形象永远这么明显而高 大 来自公冶咐趟嗣评价;姐姐是爱情至上而不是金钱至上的人,所以选择了 他要的生活Copyright © 2008-2018