Mario (Dani Rovira) and Olivia (Michelle Jenner) fall madly in love. One afternoon, considering that every relationship ends, they end up breaking up. During the big fight, Miamor, the street cat adopted by both and who only attends if they call him Miamor and speak to him in Valencian, escapes and disappears, like the love that united them. For a time Olivia will give him for dead, love and the cat, while Mario keeps him alive in secret. Like Schrodingüer's cat, the love between the two remains alive and dead at the same time until, one day when she seems to have finally risen, Olivia feels victimized by a deception and decides to declare to Mario the war, one in the that, as in the love that still breathes, everything can be worth.资料引用自httpswww.zhuijukan.comxijuwoshiqudeai
《我失去的爱》在2018 年发行,草民影院www.ddcmw.com收集了《我失去的爱》pc网页端在线观看、手机wap免费观看、高清云播放等资源。
来自夹谷佬貉扒涂评价;从头笑到尾,真是用心的搞笑,金起范太帅太帅了。小龙虾也好好吃的样子。国产片都 这么用心的话,我们一定能打赢贸易战,全球用华为
来自东里狡始评价;看 的时候一再想起金基德,想起《弓》和《春夏秋冬又一春》,都是荒岛老人和女孩来自Katrina评价;有了金朴奉罗李洪郭姜多面开花,我想更需要一位“王家卫” 来自巫马拼评价;按照电影的台词 shit happens 来自端木邪评价;畸形人不仅会熟练的驾驶各种机动车,还会设置各种陷阱,这都不算什么, 关键是还能推测出人们的行为、路线,然后设置对应的机关捉住他们,还会打心理战和推理战,真是牛X到飞起Copyright © 2008-2018